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Plant-Animal Interactions

Budburst projects allow community scientists to collect, archive, and freely share both long-term data to be used by the scientific community and short-term data pertaining to specific, time-bound research questions that we will analyze and report on.

Plants and animals have important relationships

Plants are the base of all ecosystems, the start of all food chains, and most animals would not survive without plants. This importance makes it necessary to better understand the interactions between plants and animals. Budburst collects data on pollinator visits to plants and other plant-animal interactions to help scientists assess plant-animal interactions especially in a changing climate.

Pollinators are amazing! Observing a native flower for 10 minutes, I become very conscious of the connection between plants and insects. The fact that my observations help scientists and land managers better respond to climate change rocks.

Jean Bryan, PhD, former Budburst director

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